
“GarfieldBruce have provided us with a range of valuable support. They have run very powerful and behaviour-changing group sessions and highly effective personal coaching. Their interventions truly make a difference at the challenging level of values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours. Our people really value working with them.”

Liz Nottingham, StarcomMediaVest Group

Our Passion

We specialise in a different approach to people development, delivering profound learning, development and coaching programmes with a focus on leadership and management skills for creative businesses.


We strongly believe sustainable relationships take work and are at the heart of sustainable businesses, especially businesses which rely on collaboration, cooperation and fantastic people. People skills are what we are about.

We know that the most powerful way to effect individual and organisational growth and transformation is to work at the fundamental level of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours. We challenge mindsets to instil new perspectives for achieving success, then we enhance people’s skills which result in a more effective approach to leadership and management. The results drive professional change, elevate performance, create enhanced relationships and an attitude of wanting to “consistently be my best…”

- Elevate performance from the board room to rising talent

- Create a culture of excellence and continuous growth

- Establish emotionally intelligent, resilient and authentic relationships

- Deliver impactful leadership

- Produce an attitude of “wanting to be my best”

- Conflict-busting, collaborative communication

Seen as an investment in talent within the business, The Starcom MediaVest Group Academy has evolved into a essential part of the annual learning and development calendar.


We strongly believe sustainable relationships take work and are at the heart of sustainable businesses, especially businesses which rely on collaboration, cooperation and fantastic people. People skills are what we are about.

"Every aspect of the course has revolutionised my thinking, from the way I interact with people, to trust, to listening and to having faith in my own abilities."


© Copyright 2016 GarfieldBruce. A different approach to people development.

GarfieldBruce is a trading name operating under the registered company A Better Good Limited. All Rights Reserved.