The Academy

“The environment created and the tone set enabled me to be very open and receptive. I was able to fully disconnect from outside “noise” and have a singular focus during throughout the week, which was a rare and refreshing experience.”

Caitlin Graham, Global Account Director Starcom MediaVest Group

Our flagship leadership retreat:The Academy


The Academy is an experiential Leadership programme designed to promote excellence, drive, self-belief, the ability to be our best, and to inspire others to do the same.

Our unconscious attitudes (thoughts, ideas) - which are habitual and automatic - inform our reactions and responses to situations and to people. They run our behaviour, what we do, and it is what we do that creates our results. The Academy is time out for delegates to become aware of their habitual behaviours and to learn to adopt new and more effective solution-focused approaches.


The programme is packed full of content and looks at accountability, responsibility, creating effective strategies, communication, negotiation, relationship and team building and a lot more besides. There is also space for delegates to come together as a group to work on real life business situations and challenges.



We use beautiful and special retreat locations in Marrakech, Spain and France which is a cost-effective alternative to corporate venues and the impact is tangible. People value the space to think, reflect and learn away from the busyness of their day-to-day lives.

Topics are tailor made for business need, and we work closely with the HR team to tailor each Academy in the lead-up to it, but could include:


  • Examining each individual’s “business as usual” identifying areas for improvement and developing a practical Action Plan;
  • Responsible leadership: developing awareness of personal impact, recognising emotional intelligence as an effective leadership quality and building personal accountability;
  • Effective feedback: learning how to give, receive and use feedback for continuous growth and increased success;
  • Developing trust in business relationships, collaborative decision-making and understanding how to create win/win, resilient teams, and inter-organisation team-work;
  • The quality of relationships: maintaining authenticity, mapping relationships, identifying gaps and assessing the support that is available;
  • Changing physical state to change situations. How to motivate yourself and others, how to re-frame negative situations into learning experiences;
  • High impact communications – how to communicate to get your message across and promote greater understanding;
  • Smart goal setting and keeping on track.

"The Academy is exceptional because it doesn’t tell delegates what to do but enables discovery of answers that lie within. Total confidentiality creates openness. The transformation is personal and deep, changing attitudes to life as well as work."


The passion, vigour and relentless pursuit of excellence demonstrated by our people delivered fantastic results. Our success, culture and conviction is utterly driven by our people and as such, it is without question that by investing in them, we have nurtured a dynamic, highly intelligent, diverse and motivated talent force."


To that end I must congratulate our L&D team. Their understanding of our business challenges led them to create this bold, engaging and resourceful programme. Their conviction in pushing for this radical step change can only be commended.


However, this forward thinking approach has delivered great dividends, evident in the daily passion & excellence I see displayed by our people. Never before have I heard people talking so enthusiastically about their development, with individuals walking into my office to thank me for the opportunity.”


Stewart Easterbrook

CEO of Starcom MediaVest 2010

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