Team facilitation

“I loved our team day. A couple of us were quite new so it really brought us together. Teresa had a really nice way of making us feel comfortable and able to open up about our fears about working in the team and how we can better support each other. I'd recommend a day”

Team facilitation


This is a special workshop for teams of people who have either been working together for a long time or are growing rapidly, where there may be unspoken issues and where getting to know each other better to create openness, honesty and trust would support the team to grow, develop and experience greater success.


Objectives could include:

  • Clarity and understanding of the team’s common goals;
  • A look at individual vision and values and team vision and values;
  • Agree on a team mission;
  • Awareness and understanding of emotional contamination;
  • Learn a simple Feedback model;
  • Enhanced communication by looking at how we talk and listen to each other;
  • Create more trust, honesty, openness.



“The team day was amazing - we all really opened up with each other and spoke was a new team so was really important and I think the outcome has been fantastic for the whole team.”


“Your contribution to the 2 days was invaluable. As anticipated you challenged us at times to be more committed to our team's collective ownership than even we are.”


“It was very 'human', simple, actionable and very interactive. The first day made me realise how much accountability and power we have potentially in shaping the future of our team/agency overall.”


“It was invaluable to have you there to push us out of our comfort zone and keep us honest with each other.”


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GarfieldBruce is a trading name operating under the registered company A Better Good Limited. All Rights Reserved.